Thursday, October 21, 2010

Make Someone a Star With Personalized Magazine Covers

Personalized magazine covers can turn anyone into a media star, or at least an overnight neighborhood sensation. They are fun to create, fun to give as well as receive. Anyone looking for their 15 minutes of fame can find it in personalized magazine covers. There are many websites that offer such a service as well as a number of programs that can be purchased or downloaded for no cost on the Internet. All that is necessary to create personalized magazine covers is a computer, an Internet connection and an electronic photograph. If a software program is used rather than a web site, some skill at downloading and setting up a program will be helpful.

To use a web site based cover generator to create personalized magazine covers may require a membership. Most sites do not require a fee to join. The membership sign up is usually simple and requires a few minutes of time. Check the privacy policy before clicking on the dotted line to be sure the web site does not give your information to third parties for marketing purposes. If they do, ask if they will allow a member to opt out of third-party contact. If they do not allow an opt out, the customer may want to rethink signing on as a member. The spam received, as a result, will cause such indigestion.

Once a membership has been created, the customer will be required to log in to create personalized magazine covers. Most web sites have any number of cover templates to choose from as well as tools and special effects. Creating personalized magazine covers is easy and usually menu driven. The customer chooses the template, uploads a picture, adds or revises text, adds any special effects and the project is sent to a magazine cover specialist for completion or personalized magazine covers are generated immediately. If a fee to create the cover is involved, there will be a payment option before the cover is sent off for completion or generated for printing. Payment is usually by credit card or PayPal.

The customer may receive a file suitable for printing on photo paper or the cover will be ready for printing immediately after generating. If the cover isn't quite right or a revision for some other reason is necessary, most of the time it is easy to go back and perform a do over. Most sites will allow a do over at no cost, if a cost is involved, if they made an error. Sometimes one or two revisions are allowed for any reason. If the cover is generated and ready for printing immediately, the customer can usually redo the cover as many times as they want until it is right.

Web sites usually keep technology up to date, so the customer is always using the latest and greatest personalized magazine cover generating allows. If the purpose of the web site is personalized magazine covers, new and improved options are usually added as applicable. The web site wants to stay on the cutting edge of this type of service, allowing them to attract new customers and keep existing customers returning to their site.

Programs designed to generate personalized magazine covers that are purchased for individual use, may or may not be updated to include new and improved templates, tools and special effects. If the user doesn't expect to generate a lot of covers, updates may not matter but if the covers are going to be a regular thing, check to see if the program is ever updated. If it isn't, consider finding one that is.

View the original article here

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